Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Whoa Baby!

Congratulations Kara and Ariel on your perfect creation, Marco. He is so beautiful and I know his heart will match that beauty with loving parents like you. Cheers to your new family and many memories to be captured ahead!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Capturing the Milestones

Birthdays, holidays, graduations, weddings and engagements. These are all the moments when we think "Don't forget to take lots of pictures!" While this is true, there are many other milestones that deserve attention and celebration , like purchasing your first home! The beautiful and hysterical Boden couple purchased their first home last year. I suggested we capture the moment and take some photos of them in the place they spend the majority of their time in, their humble aBoden! You guys are amazing, cheers to your continued happiness!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Small Packages

 While I love working with adults, I have to say there is something special about shooting children! They have an uninhibited way of conveying emotions that makes for the most memorable captures. I cannot wait to expand my family photography portfolio!